Royal Consumer Information Products, Inc. is a leading supplier of office equipment, security, health items, and accessories for the consumer and small business markets.
With its’ roots in the Royal Typewriter Company, founded in 1904, Royal’s product line has evolved to include cash registers, shredders, Water coolers, postal scales & office necessities, Health & Sports items, and a wide range of imaging supplies supporting today’s most popular printers, faxes, and copiers.
Royal Consumer Information Products’ headquarters is located in Bridgewater, New Jersey.
The Royal Typewriter Company was founded in January 1904 in a machine shop in Brooklyn, New York by Edward B. Hess and Lewis C. Myers.
In 1905, with their limited cash running out, Hess and Myers turned to Thomas Fortune Ryan, the wealthy financier.
They demonstrate their machine which has numerous innovations including: friction-free, ball-bearing, one-track rail to support the weight of the carriage, a new paper feed, a lighter and faster typebar action with complete visibility of the words as they are typed.
Ryan is impressed and puts up $220,000 in exchange for financial control.